Jordan picked the skill points for Cywren: three to strength, seven to perception, three to endurance, ten to charisma, ten to intelligence, four to agility, and three to luck. The baby girl began to read a book titled ' You're SPECIAL.' As she opened the book, Cywren flipped through the pages as Jordan names the various skill traits she can choose from: Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility and Luck. Jordan explained that he has left the mind of Vahl and has traveled down her family tree, which has connected somehow with Poet's and has lead to the Caster family, down to Cywren. To keep him quiet, Jordan made Cywren walk to her father and, when he told her had to leave for important business, he locked her in her playpen. As James watched her play and tried to speak to her, Jordan told him to be quiet, although he didn't listen. Jordan Frye has entered young Cywren's mind as she is playing in her playpen. However, Catherine suddenly goes into cardiac arrest and is wheeled away before dying. James, Catherine's husband, is watching and speaking to his daughter.
The episode opens with Catherine Caster giving birth to her young baby, Cywren.
'Join Cywren Caster and I on our adventure through the harsh land of Fallout 3!' Plot Summary Cywren's birth